Yucca Art Gallery
Don Roden -- Wood
Don Roden discovered woodworking and woodturning in his father's basement shop. After a 22-year career in the Air Force, Don returned to his childhood home and took his love for woodturning. For the last 25 years, Don has been developing his skills in Woodturning. He sees trees in a whole different way than most people. When Don looks at the trees, he sees the growth of the tree and the branches and wonders what is happening inside each part of the tree. Trees are like people, and people are like trees. Trees have fingerprints, just like people. The growth rings of each part of the tree are unique, just like people. Don does commission work and teaches Woodturning classes in his studio. If you have a tree taken down, contact him, and he can create a piece for you from that tree. Don has trained with Woodturners from all around the world.